HomeAround Mystic Fig StudioTaming the acoustics in my control room


Taming the acoustics in my control room — 5 Comments

  1. Oh, dude, that is _sweet_. It looks fantastic. Did you make any before-and-after graphs of the monitor room behaviour across a frequency sweep? Because that would also be really interesting.

    The tool you want for dowels without the pain is something called a biscuit joiner. It’s the strength of doweling without the endless tedium and I love them. I’ve used them in some heavy-duty projects with good success, too. Mine’s a Ryobi but I’m sure there are many options.

    • Dara – glad you like it. I’ll see if I can dig up some before and after graphs. We ended up not really needing the dowels at all, the finished units are completely solid. I’ll keep the biscuit joiner in mind for the future though.

  2. Pingback:a really good DIY on studio conditioning | Crime and the Blog of Evil

  3. WRT Dara’s comment on the biscuit joiner, yep if we had had one at the time, it would have worked. Though, it does get a little tricky to do the biscuit slot in a long narrow miter joint. This is why I tried for a peg first. Another option would be a mortise and tenon going across the joint.

    But it is a great reason to buy more tools. Oh, and the plane joiner to go with it. Yeah!

    As a side note, the poplar was 3/4 x 3/4 inch. Big enough to be solid without taking up a lot of depth.

    And for the avid reader, we recommend using 1×4 for the cleats. The extra width, mounted in the case, allows for two pocket screws per side. The single pocket screws we used weren’t stable enough. We ended up having to put in extra pins to keep them from rotating.